Aleksander Protic apresentou a sua coleção Outono Inverno para 2018/19 na Lisboa Fashion Week.
O designer, escolheu o preto para cor da estação, desenvolvendo a nível da forma, preciosos pormenores em todas as suas peças. Uma coleção arrojada mas discreta, com apontamentos diferenciadores, e sempre com a qualidade intrínseca a que nos tem habituado ao longo dos anos. Muito bom!

"Esta coleção teve como inspiração uma frase e a personalidade da atriz Theda Bara The Vamp, uma das atrizes mais populares e um dos primeiros sex symbols devido aos seus desempenhos enquanto femme fatale no cinema mudo." Aleksandar Protic.
"During the rest of my career, I am going to continue doing vampires as long as people sin. For I believe that humanity needs the moral lesson and it needs it in repeatedly larger doses." Theda Bara.

Aleksander Protic presented his Fall Winter collection for 2018/19 at Lisboa Fashion Week.
The designer chose the black for color of the season, developing at the level of the form, precious details in all the pieces. A bold but discreet collection, with distinctive technicalities, and always with the intrinsic quality that has accustomed us over the years. Top!

"This collection was inspired by a phrase and the personality of actress Theda Bara The Vamp, one of the most popular actresses and one of the first sex symbols due to her performances as a femme fatale in silent movies." Aleksandar Protic.
"During the rest of my career, I am going to continue doing vampires as long as people sin. For I believe that humanity needs the moral lesson and it needs it in repeatedly larger doses." Theda Bara.

at Lisboa Fashion Week bacstage

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